Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Chinsinsi chakulemera

We all admire rich people and sometimes we end up shaking our heads questioning ourselves: what is it that makes them rich? What is the secret of their success? Are riches out of magic or out of miracles? Make a date with Chinsinsi cha kulemera, an inspirational book by Pastor Harry Molande, you will easily find a formula for wealth creation.

Make no mistake to underestimate the wealth of knowledge in the book by looking at its size. It is just 11 pages long but the content is immesurable. It is those eleven pages that have the power to turn the economic pages of your life. The book is the silent formula to riches.

The first chapter gives you an inspiring outlook: Malawi is a blessed and rich country. It seems it is a complementation of the belief that Malawi is not a poor country only that the people of Malawi are poor but with potential to become rich.

Have you ever wondered why so many people in Malawi are trapped in the meshes of poverty? Chinsinsi cha kulemenra has the answer. Pastor Molande enlightens: anthu ambiri tikusauka chifukwa cha ulesi, nsanje, kusazindikira, mantha ndi kusowa chikhulupiriro choti tingayambe ntchito, kapena bizinesi.

By the time you will have finished reading the book you will have been armed with critical business analysis skills, ways of carrying out businesses, investments and the culture of saving, capital generation and the impact of HIV/AIDS on business development.

A wonderful writing skill that will mesmerize you in the book is the element of adding a short but eye catching punch line in bold letters at the end of eech topic or ideas. The punch lines are clear reminders to readers of actions to take on the path to the economic paradise. Some of the exciting punch words include: tisachite bizinesi zoletsedwa – tizamangidwa, anthu ambiri amadziwa kusamala ufa osati ndalama, among many others.

It is justifiable to say that this little book takes time to flex its muscles on issues bordering marketing, trade regulations and taxation, and developmental economics. It brings before you recommended characters to necessitate you become a successful business person, issues surrounding business licences and remitting of taxes to appropriate authorities, and money management skills. Money markets have also been covered in passing.

This book tells you one thing – yes, you can. You can become rich if only you have the determination and desire to be so. The book even points out some role models you can emulate. Some of the mentioned include: Her Honour Mrs. Joyce Banda, Vice President of the Republic of Malawi and owner of Joyce Banda Foundation, one of the outstanding private school in the country; business magnate Leston Mulli of Mulli Brothers, one of the leaders in the produce market in the country; celebrity musician Lucius Banda of the successful Zembani Band; Mike Mulombwa of Country Wide Car Hire; Mike Chilewe of Mike’s Trading Center and General Dealers; and Phekani of Chitawira Shopping Center among many others.

It is worthy pointing out that though the book gives examples of successful business persons owning huge businesses, the book also tackles some small businesses like kugulitsa thobwa, kuphika zitumbuwa and many others. The government should consider incorporating the book in the adult literacy curriculum as it will offer the adult learners entrepreneurial skills.

You will wage a gallant fight against excruciating poverty by possessing this book. As it is in Chichewa it certainly means that the rural masses with little education can easily understand the content. The rural masses have a simple formula for economic empowerment through this book.
You will even like the ending of the story as it lists several inspirational books you can read to further your knowledge, notable among them: Think and grow rich, master key to riches, tycoon, and millionaire mind.

Chinsinsi cha kulemera is available in CLAIM Mabuku bookshops and MANENO bookshops. This formula to riches was published by God’s Love Ministries.

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